Score:   1
Docket Number:   MD-AL  2:19-cr-00074
Case Name:   USA v. Mobley
  Press Releases:
            Montgomery, Alabama- On June 20, 2019, Cody Eugene Mobley, 30, of Montgomery, Alabama, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for federal drug trafficking and firearms charges, announced U.S. Attorney Louis V. Franklin, Sr.

            Law enforcement executed a search warrant in June 2018 at Mobley’s residence and found a pound of crystal methamphetamine, drug distribution paraphernalia, and a number of firearms. Among the firearms found were a sawed-off shotgun, a pistol equipped with a silencer, and an AR-15 style rifle equipped with a bump stock.

            In March 2019, a jury found Mobley guilty of possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine, possession of firearms in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime, being a felon in possession of a firearm, possession of an unregistered short barrel shotgun and possession of an unregistered firearm silencer in connection with a drug distribution crime. A federal judge sentenced Mobley to ten years for the first four charges. The illegal possession of a silencer in connection with a drug distribution crime carries a mandatory minimum of 30 years, which will run consecutive to the ten-year sentence. There is no parole in the federal system.

            The case was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the Montgomery Police Department. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brandon Bates and Kevin Davidson.

            Montgomery, Alabama- Cody Eugene Mobley, 29, of Montgomery, Alabama was convicted last week of federal drug trafficking and firearms charges, announced U.S. Attorney Louis V. Franklin, Sr., DEA Special Agent in Charge Brad L. Byerley, ATF Special Agent in Charge Marcus Watson, and Montgomery Police Chief Ernest Finley.

            On June 6, 2018, a federal search warrant was executed at Mobley’s residence on Butler Road in north Montgomery. During the search, law enforcement found a pound of crystal methamphetamine, drug distribution paraphernalia, and a number of firearms. Among the firearms found were a sawed-off shotgun, a pistol equipped with a silencer, and an AR-15 style rifle, which was equipped with a bump stock.

            In September of 2018, Mobley was charged in a five-count indictment for possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine, possession of firearms in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime, being a felon in possession of a firearm, possession of an unregistered short barrel shotgun and possession of an unregistered firearm silencer.

            The case was tried beginning March 12 and the jury returned a verdict late Friday afternoon finding Mobley guilty on all five counts. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for Mobley on June 20, 2019 where he will be facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 40 years in prison. There is no parole in the federal system.

            “Unfortunately, drug trafficking and guns go hand in hand, and this can make for a dangerous combination,” said U.S. Attorney Franklin. “In this case, the defendant had multiple guns loaded and ready to use in connection with his drug trafficking business. These were not your every day, run-of-the-mill guns, and they certainly should not be in the hands of a drug dealing convicted felon. Our office will continue to make it a priority to prosecute these cases to the fullest extent of the law.”

            “Nothing is more important than keeping our communities safe. DEA, along with our federal, state and local law enforcement partners, will continue to utilize our combined resources to target individuals trafficking drugs and guns, threatening the safety of our citizens in this region of Alabama and throughout the country. This ‘career offender’s’ conviction sends a message of our unending resolve to pursue drug traffickers who wreak havoc in our communities,” said DEA Special Agent in Charge Brad L. Byerley.

            “ATF’s Crime Gun Intelligence Centers are the driving force to reduce the violent crime that plagues our neighborhoods. This conviction illustrates the effective partnerships with law enforcement and the community,” said ATF Special Agent in Charge Marcus Watson.

            “At MPD, we appreciate our close working relationship with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and want to thank our federal partners for bringing this investigation to a successful conclusion with the conviction of Mr. Mobley,” said Montgomery Police Chief Ernest Finley.      

            The case was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the Montgomery Police Department. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brandon Bates and Kevin Davidson.

Docket (0 Docs):
  Last Updated: 2024-04-12 13:07:09 UTC
Description: The fiscal year of the data file obtained from the AOUSC
Format: YYYY

Description: The code of the federal judicial circuit where the case was located
Format: A2

Description: The code of the federal judicial district where the case was located
Format: A2

Description: The code of the district office where the case was located
Format: A2

Description: Docket number assigned by the district to the case
Format: A7

Description: A unique number assigned to each defendant in a case which cannot be modified by the court
Format: A3

Description: A unique number assigned to each defendant in a case which can be modified by the court
Format: A3

Description: A sequential number indicating whether a case is an original proceeding or a reopen
Format: N5

Description: Case type associated with the current defendant record
Format: A2

Description: A concatenation of district, office, docket number, case type, defendant number, and reopen sequence number
Format: A18

Description: A concatenation of district, office, docket number, case type, and reopen sequence number
Format: A15

Description: The status of the defendant as assigned by the AOUSC
Format: A2

Description: A code indicating the fugitive status of a defendant
Format: A1

Description: The date upon which a defendant became a fugitive

Description: The date upon which a fugitive defendant was taken into custody

Description: The date when a case was first docketed in the district court

Description: The date upon which proceedings in a case commenced on charges pending in the district court where the defendant appeared, or the date of the defendant’s felony-waiver of indictment

Description: A code used to identify the nature of the proceeding
Format: N2

Description: The date when a defendant first appeared before a judicial officer in the district court where a charge was pending

Description: A code indicating the event by which a defendant appeared before a judicial officer in the district court where a charge was pending
Format: A2

Description: A code indicating the type of legal counsel assigned to a defendant
Format: N2

Description: The title and section of the U.S. Code applicable to the offense committed which carried the highest severity
Format: A20

Description: A code indicating the level of offense associated with FTITLE1
Format: N2

Description: The four digit AO offense code associated with FTITLE1
Format: A4

Description: The four digit D2 offense code associated with FTITLE1
Format: A4

Description: A code indicating the severity associated with FTITLE1
Format: A3

Description: The title and section of the U.S. Code applicable to the offense committed which carried the second highest severity
Format: A20

Description: A code indicating the level of offense associated with FTITLE2
Format: N2

Description: The four digit AO offense code associated with FTITLE2
Format: A4

Description: The four digit D2 offense code associated with FTITLE2
Format: A4

Description: A code indicating the severity associated with FTITLE2
Format: A3

Description: The FIPS code used to indicate the county or parish where an offense was committed
Format: A5

Description: The date of the last action taken on the record

Description: The date upon which judicial proceedings before the court concluded

Description: The date upon which the final sentence is recorded on the docket

Description: The date upon which the case was closed

Description: The number of days from the earlier of filing date or first appearance date to proceeding date
Format: N3

Description: The number of days from proceeding date to disposition date
Format: N3

Description: The number of days from disposition date to sentencing date
Format: N3

Description: The code of the district office where the case was terminated
Format: A2

Description: A code indicating the type of legal counsel assigned to a defendant at the time the case was closed
Format: N2

Description: The title and section of the U.S. Code applicable to the offense that carried the most severe disposition and penalty under which the defendant was disposed
Format: A20

Description: A code indicating the level of offense associated with TTITLE1
Format: N2

Description: The four digit AO offense code associated with TTITLE1
Format: A4

Description: The four digit D2 offense code associated with TTITLE1
Format: A4

Description: A code indicating the severity associated with TTITLE1
Format: A3

Description: The code indicating the nature or type of disposition associated with TTITLE1
Format: N2

Description: The number of months a defendant was sentenced to prison under TTITLE1
Format: N4

Description: A code indicating whether the prison sentence associated with TTITLE1 was concurrent or consecutive in relation to the other counts in the indictment or information or multiple counts of the same charge
Format: A4

Description: The number of months of probation imposed upon a defendant under TTITLE1
Format: N4

Description: A period of supervised release imposed upon a defendant under TTITLE1
Format: N3

Description: The fine imposed upon the defendant at sentencing under TTITLE1
Format: N8

Description: The title and section of the U.S. Code applicable to the offense under which the defendant was disposed that carried the second most severe disposition and penalty
Format: A20

Description: A code indicating the level of offense associated with TTITLE2
Format: N2

Description: The four digit AO offense code associated with TTITLE2
Format: A4

Description: The four digit D2 offense code associated with TTITLE2
Format: A4

Description: A code indicating the severity associated with TTITLE2
Format: A3

Description: The code indicating the nature or type of disposition associated with TTITLE2
Format: N2

Description: The number of months a defendant was sentenced to prison under TTITLE2
Format: N4

Description: The number of months of probation imposed upon a defendant under TTITLE2
Format: N4

Description: A period of supervised release imposed upon a defendant under TTITLE2
Format: N3

Description: The fine imposed upon the defendant at sentencing under TTITLE2
Format: N8

Description: The total prison time for all offenses of which the defendant was convicted and prison time was imposed
Format: N4

Description: The total fine imposed at sentencing for all offenses of which the defendant was convicted and a fine was imposed
Format: N8

Description: A count of defendants filed including inter-district transfers
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants filed excluding inter-district transfers
Format: N1

Description: A count of original proceedings commenced
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants filed whose proceedings commenced by reopen, remand, appeal, or retrial
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants terminated including interdistrict transfers
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants terminated excluding interdistrict transfers
Format: N1

Description: A count of original proceedings terminated
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants terminated whose proceedings commenced by reopen, remand, appeal, or retrial
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants pending as of the last day of the period including long term fugitives
Format: N1

Description: A count of defendants pending as of the last day of the period excluding long term fugitives
Format: N1

Description: The source from which the data were loaded into the AOUSC’s NewSTATS database
Format: A10

Description: A sequential number indicating the iteration of the defendant record
Format: N2

Description: The date the record was loaded into the AOUSC’s NewSTATS database

Description: Statistical year ID label on data file obtained from the AOUSC which represents termination year
Format: YYYY

Data imported from FJC Integrated Database