BadBoys: 1.15.5b Backend: n2g8 Scale: 5 Location: Iowa Next RSS pull: 2025-02-13T05:00:00 UTC Next index: 2025-02-13T05:30:00 UTC System: 2025-02-12T07:13:02 UTC In: 6182.105427s Uptime: 58 days, 14:25:48 Database: 4.16.4 Location: Maryland Next RSS pull: No schedule Next index: 2025-02-13T06:00:00 UTC System: 2025-02-12T07:40:43 UTC In: 6003.658875s Uptime: 23 days, 9:30:50 Database: 4.16.4 | Number of unique IPs since last database refresh | Global requests per second for non-static content | Cases Filed Sealed | Cases Filed Sealed ➡️ Unsealed | Number of Cases still Sealed | Cases Filed Unsealed | Total number of unique case numbers de-duplicated from all sources. |
Number of Dockets built to Sheets |
Number of Press Releases from Jan 2017 - Present | Number of interesting cases loaded from RSS data | Number of interesting cases loaded from CL database | Number of cases with additional info from @ArrestAnon | Number of cases with corresponding resignations from @ResignationAnon |
◾️ The search bar disappears when you scoll down. It's a feature. Click where it should be or scroll up and it will re-appear. ◾️ Queries are accepted in the following form: district/name e.g. PA-E/Philip Ahr district/caseno ️e.g. paed/18-53 district,name e.g. ed-pa,philip ahr ◾️ You can specify division/office by number or (partial) name e.g. pa/2/ahr or pa/phil/ahr or pa/philadelphia/ahr ◾️ All queries are case insensitive ◾️ The system will accept any of the following court designations or searches by two letter state code ◾️ Sources: There are 6 mirrors for the source data spreadsheets. If one looks incorrect or incomplete, pick another. It's down for maintenance, is experiencing too much traffic, or both. Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5 Mirror 6 ◾️ Moar data here!