District of Alaska | akd | AK | D-AK |
Middle District of Alabama | almd | AL-M | MD-AL |
Northern District of Alabama | alnd | AL-N | ND-AL |
Southern District of Alabama | alsd | AL-S | SD-AL |
Eastern District of Arkansas | ared | AR-E | ED-AR |
Western District of Arkansas | arwd | AR-W | WD-AR |
District of Arizona | azd | AZ | D-AZ |
Central District of California | cacd | CA-C | CD-CA |
Eastern District of California | caed | CA-E | ED-CA |
Northern District of California | cand | CA-N | ND-CA |
Southern District of California | casd | CA-S | SD-CA |
District of Colorado | cod | CO | D-CO |
District of Connecticut | ctd | CT | D-CT |
District of Columbia | dcd | DC | D-DC |
District of Delaware | ded | DE | D-DE |
Middle District of Florida | flmd | FL-M | MD-FL |
Northern District of Florida | flnd | FL-N | ND-FL |
Southern District of Florida | flsd | FL-S | SD-FL |
Middle District of Georgia | gamd | GA-M | MD-GA |
Northern District of Georgia | gand | GA-N | ND-GA |
Southern District of Georgia | gasd | GA-S | SD-GA |
District of Guam | gud | GU | D-GU |
District of Hawaii | hid | HI | D-HI |
Northern District of Iowa | iand | IA-N | ND-IA |
Southern District of Iowa | iasd | IA-S | SD-IA |
District of Idaho | idd | ID | D-ID |
Central District of Illinois | ilcd | IL-C | CD-IL |
Northern District of Illinois | ilnd | IL-N | ND-IL |
Southern District of Illinois | ilsd | IL-S | SD-IL |
Northern District of Indiana | innd | IN-N | ND-IN |
Southern District of Indiana | insd | IN-S | SD-IN |
District of Kansas | ksd | KS | D-KS |
Eastern District of Kentucky | kyed | KY-E | ED-KY |
Western District of Kentucky | kywd | KY-W | WD-KY |
Eastern District of Louisiana | laed | LA-E | ED-LA |
Middle District of Louisiana | lamd | LA-M | MD-LA |
Western District of Louisiana | lawd | LA-W | WD-LA |
District of Massachusetts | mad | MA | D-MA |
District of Maryland | mdd | MD | D-MD |
District of Maine | med | ME | D-ME |
Eastern District of Michigan | mied | MI-E | ED-MI |
Western District of Michigan | miwd | MI-W | WD-MI |
District of Minnesota | mnd | MN | D-MN |
Eastern District of Missouri | moed | MO-E | ED-MO |
Western District of Missouri | mowd | MO-W | WD-MO |
Northern Mariana Islands | nmid | MP | NMI |
Northern District of Mississippi | msnd | MS-N | ND-MS |
Southern District of Mississippi | mssd | MS-S | SD-MS |
District of Montana | mtd | MT | D-MT |
Eastern District of North Carolina | nced | NC-E | ED-NC |
Middle District of North Carolina | ncmd | NC-M | MD-NC |
Western District of North Carolina | ncwd | NC-W | WD-NC |
District of North Dakota | ndd | ND | D-ND |
District of Nebraska | ned | NE | D-NE |
District of New Hampshire | nhd | NH | D-NH |
District of New Jersey | njd | NJ | D-NJ |
District of New Mexico | nmd | NM | D-NM |
District of Nevada | nvd | NV | D-NV |
Eastern District of New York | nyed | NY-E | ED-NY |
Northern District of New York | nynd | NY-N | ND-NY |
Southern District of New York | nysd | NY-S | SD-NY |
Western District of New York | nywd | NY-W | WD-NY |
Northern District of Ohio | ohnd | OH-N | ND-OH |
Southern District of Ohio | ohsd | OH-S | SD-OH |
Eastern District of Oklahoma | oked | OK-E | ED-OK |
Northern District of Oklahoma | oknd | OK-N | ND-OK |
Western District of Oklahoma | okwd | OK-W | WD-OK |
District of Oregon | ord | OR | D-OR |
Eastern District of Pennsylvania | paed | PA-E | ED-PA |
Middle District of Pennsylvania | pamd | PA-M | MD-PA |
Western District of Pennsylvania | pawd | PA-W | WD-PA |
District of Puerto Rico | prd | PR | D-PR |
District of Rhode Island | rid | RI | D-RI |
District of South Carolina | scd | SC | D-SC |
District of South Dakota | sdd | SD | D-SD |
Eastern District of Tennessee | tned | TN-E | ED-TN |
Middle District of Tennessee | tnmd | TN-M | MD-TN |
Western District of Tennessee | tnwd | TN-W | WD-TN |
Eastern District of Texas | txed | TX-E | ED-TX |
Northern District of Texas | txnd | TX-N | ND-TX |
Southern District of Texas | txsd | TX-S | SD-TX |
Western District of Texas | txwd | TX-W | WD-TX |
District of Utah | utd | UT | D-UT |
Eastern District of Virginia | vaed | VA-E | ED-VA |
Western District of Virginia | vawd | VA-W | WD-VA |
District of Virgin Islands | vid | VI | D-VI |
District of Vermont | vtd | VT | D-VT |
Eastern District of Washington | waed | WA-E | ED-WA |
Western District of Washington | wawd | WA-W | WD-WA |
Eastern District of Wisconsin | wied | WI-E | ED-WI |
Western District of Wisconsin | wiwd | WI-W | WD-WI |
Northern District of West Virginia | wvnd | WV-N | ND-WV |
Southern District of West Virginia | wvsd | WV-S | SD-WV |
District of Wyoming | wyd | WY | D-WY |